R&D with the Pizazz

This section of the site is intended primarily (but not exclusively) for the people we call ‘PIE leads’ (or ‘PIE champions’) – those individuals within any one agency or network whose task it is to support the roll-out of the PIE approach throughout the agency or network.

Here we will have basic information and advice on encouraging and developing the PIE spirit and practice across a large organisation or network. But also there can be more in-depth discussions between PIE leads, linked to the monthly SIG : HERE

Here we will be discussing the issues that PIE leads are encountering, in rolling out the PIE approach throughout a service or network – with perhaps widely varying levels of enthusiasm and readiness for the new approach to their work.

With the constant pressure that services are under, we need to be sensitive to, even appreciative of the stress and the ambivalence some may feel about something new and positive – just as many service users are, and we know we must work with their feelings.

We have very good feedback for the early adopters; but we need to acknowledge weariness, scepticism, even cynicism as legitimate responses, if we are to see what difference developing as a PIE really makes. ‘We need to hear from Eeyore as well as Tigger. ‘

Accordingly we are looking now at a possible survey tool for staff, asking honestly about their views on being expected to now use this new PIE approach and Pizazz tool to develop.

Still, the most exciting innovation here is the creation of the Pizazz software, the PIE Abacus.

As the potential in the Abacus becomes clearer, not just for specific service development, but for agency overview, local eco-system change, and for research, we can expect this to be a central subject in the forums and SIGs over the coming year.

Like everything here – and everything about PIEs – it is an exploration. This page is for those that want to explore together.