Season Four

New year, new start, new possibilities.

Lunchtime forums: February 9th and 11th

Season Four has a delayed start, due to the endless problems we have encountered with renewal of the Domain Name for the original PIElink, which is what prompted the creation of this, the companion site. (Where the PIElink should have been, instead there was this strange page offering, amongst other things, hampers of cheese. Yes, cheese…)

This season’s forums schedule we had planned is now completely de-railed. But we can perhaps turn even this to our advantage, in being open to suggestions for topics for the next season.

One such, for example, is how we use Zoom, Teams etc now that, since COVID, we are all getting familiar with it all. Can we still be ‘psychologically informed’ in these virtual environments?

So that, I propose, is a suitable subject for Week One of Season Four, starting (hopefully) on the twin dates of 9th and 11th.


We do have two talks lined up for the end of March: on Human Learning Systems (with a colleague of Toby Lowe’s), and on Enabling Help (with Joy MacKeith of Triangle)

If possible, we would like to have some discussions specifically for services in territories with their own jurisdictions: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Australia – even London. But granted we have lost some momentum through the pause, we may have to defer some of these to the summer.

Let’s get those SIGs started

Meanwhile, with this website now bedding in, it’s soon time to start up the Wednesday ‘Happy Hour’ on-going discussions – the Special Interest Groups : HERE

And it is time to start sharing more widely, and mentioning at the forums, the proposals we have been working on for the future of the PIElink – a longer-term, more sustainable future that does not depend on Robin’s time, ideas and contacts.

These are outlined on the advisory/editorial board page : HERE

And in the suggestions for re-investing income, via PIRAN : HERE

Meanwhile, if you have a subject you would really like to see us address, whether in this season or the next, please do write to us at the (temporary) email address on the (temporary) Contact page : HERE